Governor Rauner Remarks at Orland Park GOTV Rally

Press Release

Date: Nov. 5, 2018
Issues: Elections

Tonight, Governor Bruce Rauner spoke at a Republican GOTV rally in Orland Park.

Check out highlight of his remarks:

"This is the biggest election of our lifetimes. We gotta get everyone to the polls, it's all on the line. This guy Pritzker and Madigan, nightmare for the state, devastating for the state. We cannot let these guys gerrymander our districts after the 2020 census. And no more tax hikes. These guys want $11 billion in new spending, we'll have the highest income taxes in America. If Pritzker and Madigan get in there, our middle class is going to get crushed with income taxes."

"It's not just about Republicans versus Democrats. It's all of us. It's Republicans, it's Democrats, it's independent voters, all of us as the people of Illinois standing together as Illinoisans and as proud American citizens fighting against the corrupt insiders like Pritzker and Madigan and that machine. That's what is at stake in this race."

"We believe in the people, we believe in freedom and opportunity. We believe in growth, we believe in small businesses getting bigger. We believe in a great education system. This what we believe in: limited government, low taxes, individual liberty, personal responsibility. Our values are the values that have made America the greatest nation on earth. Our values is what will make us the majority party … and we're going to create a better future for our children and our grandchildren. Onto victory, everybody! Onto victory on November 6th!"
